On December 5th, we celebrated International Volunteer Day; a day created by the United Nations to recognize the work of volunteers around the world. Although I believe volunteers should be acknowledged every day, I have found it helpful to have a list of all of the special volunteer days throughout the year. So, get ready to mark your calendars!
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Recognized every 3rd Monday of January, this special holiday is coined as "a day ON, not a day off." As the only federal holiday designated as a national day of service, the goal is to encourage all Americans to volunteer to improve their communities.
National Mentoring Month
January is National Mentoring Month. If you are an organization that employs volunteer mentors, now is the time to recognize these wonderful people!
Random Acts of Kindness Day
February 17, 2021
This is a great time to do something nice for those who do random acts of kindness all year long.
International Day of Happiness
March 20th
Volunteers bring happiness to so many around the world that celebrating this holiday seems like a no brainer. Also, studies suggest that people who volunteer report better health and more happiness then those who do not.
National Volunteer Week
April 18-24, 2021
This.is.BIG. This is the time to celebrate the things your volunteers accomplished over the last year. No matter what your budget is, this is the time to bring your volunteers together and express your gratitude.
Join Hands Day
First Saturday in May
Founded by America's Fraternal Benefit Societies, Join Hands Day was established in an effort to bring youth and older adults together in a day of service. This is a great opportunity to bridge the generation gap within your volunteer force.
Be the Change Day
1st Saturday in October
This is a national day of service to inspire and foster civic engagement and stronger communities through volunteerism and community service. Find a Be the Change guide here.
Make a Difference Day
4th Saturday of every October
This is an opportunity to come together, take action to improve our communities, and celebrate the impact of volunteer service. Learn more at pointsoflight.org.
National Family Volunteer Day
Saturday before Thanksgiving
Another one brought to us by Points of Life, this day of service is geared towards bringing families together to better their neighborhoods, communities, country, and the world. What a great way to kick off the holiday season!
International Volunteer Day
December 5th
"On International Volunteer Day, I appeal to all governments to promote volunteering, support volunteer efforts and recognize volunteer contributions to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. Volunteers deserve our heartfelt thanks."
- António Guterres (Secretary General of the United Nations)
Let's get out there and thank our volunteers today!
Rose Tatum
Volunteer Program Specialist